Material Movement and Pick Ups

Due to an increased client base it may be necessary (in some instances involving amounts of materials, over 20 lbs.) to be shipped to me, or dropped off to me at a mutually agreed upon time at my storage space in Midtown West.

Pick ups (of batches of posters or flyers that are manageable to carry)from clients can still be achieved at mutually convenient times depending on the client's location.

The shipping procedure noted at the top of this section is applicable in instances where the volume/weight of materials poses a conflict with what can be moved safely through the NYC Transit System.
This procedure also insures that clients do not generate missed pick ups due to:

1. Contact and/or materials not located.

2. Contact forgot about pick up and did not designate an alternate associate to expedite the transfer of the materials and the alternate contact cannot locate the materials/funds while the primary contact person is out of the office.

3. Contact is in a meeting somewhere and cannot be disturbed.

4. Contact's printer has not delivered the distribution materials as promised and the contact
forgot to convey this information.

5. Contact cancels a pick up in a mutually agreed upon location, and subsequently becomes an elusive moving target, and proposes several alternate meetings in different places and times according to his or her schedule which is based upon on short time frames of availability.

6. Any other imaginable permutations of circumstances that results in a missed pick up.

When any of these events happen and are finally corrected, the result is that the amount of time to accomplish the pick up has been tripled, the schedule going forward is at a standstill and other work that could have been performed during this time frame has to be accomplished later.

Getting material movement or pick ups accomplished correctly and efficiently is essential in order to ensure that every client's materials are distributed in the desired areas at the right times.

Your cooperation is appreciated in helping me maintain my overall reliability.
nt that prompted these procedures, have ceased.